
This blog is dedicated to millions of small and large businesses in which serious management mishap occur on a daily basis. Hoping to turn this into a community learning tool for all those who do not have a clue about successfully managing, leading or otherwise affecting the daily and future lives of so many others.

Friday, May 19, 2006

As I was saying, there is no end to interesting material in this company. I was talking to one of the project managers. The guy told me he did not exactly know who he was reporting to. Apparently, his management has beenalternating between a few individuals and at some point he lost track and nobody is bothering to correct the situation.

Now let's stop and think for a minute. Can anyone really function to their utmost effectiveness when they are in such a limbo? Who does he go to discuss his career path (I guess there is not one planned) Who is responsible to take care of his motivation, pay review, etc. etc.

I am telling you this place continues to amaze me. You wonder, is it by design? How can people in management be so ignorant? How does this happen?


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